Riding the Wind and Breaking Waves, Advancing Ahead IOT-C (BU) Korei Naisi's July Performance Exceeded 200000 Units

Riding the Wind and Breaking Waves, Advancing Ahead IOT-C (BU) Korei Naisi's July Performance Exceeded 200000 Units
Brand News
July 20, 2023


With the support of the Amazon Member Day event in July 2023, KOORUI monitors set a new record for monthly sales exceeding 200000 units. To this end, the company held a celebration to recognize the fighting spirit and outstanding contributions of all employees of IOT-C (BU). Huike Chairman Wang Zhiyong, IOT-C (BU) Vice President Ma Xinghai, IOT-C (BU) Vice Director Xiao Gaofa, and Operations Manager Zhang Haowen attended the event and delivered important speeches.

Goal oriented, mission must be achieved

The Amazon operations team of Korei Naisi shared the gains, emotions, and experiences gained during the process of achieving this goal. The sales target set in July is very high, and the task is very difficult. Along the way, we encountered many uncontrollable factors, difficulties, and many problems. However, everyone's goal is to achieve the mission, without complaints or excuses, only discussing contributions; All departments including production, supply and research, production, quality, logistics, finance, human resources, and business closely cooperated with the business department. Many personnel worked 24 hours a day, and with the guidance of the goals and the efforts of all personnel, the victory of this battle was finally achieved.


Riding the wind and waves, forging ahead

Mr. Ma Xinghai, Vice President of IOT-C (BU), would like to express his gratitude to the group leaders, sister units, and all colleagues who have supported the development of BU. It is because of everyone's wholehearted efforts that we were able to achieve victory in this battle. At the same time, the successful experience of this campaign was shared, mainly in the following aspects:

1. The goal should be clear, scientific, data-driven, and measurable;

2. The implementation plan should be clear, and to ensure 100% completion, multiple sets of alternative plans must be developed;

3. Review at any time, make timely adjustments when encountering differences, and restore to the preset track as quickly as possible;

4. The collaborative spirit of the entire team;

5. Strong execution and combat effectiveness.

Finally, Mr. Ma proposed new goals for the next three years, inspiring everyone to continue moving forward, while also issuing initiatives: to ride the wind and waves, forge ahead; I hope everyone maintains passion, spontaneity, original intention, and persistence. Those with ability have a stage, and those with dreams have a future. I believe in the power of belief!

Although the road may be long, it will come; although things may be difficult to do, they will surely succeed

Amid the overall decline in sales in the global display industry, Korui Ness's data this year has increased tenfold compared to the same period last year. This result is attributed to the concerted efforts and hard work of all IOT-C (BU) employees. In order to strengthen Huike's leading position in market competition and maintain its advantage, Chairman Mr. Wang Zhiyong pointed out that we still need to make greater efforts in the following areas:

Firstly, we must rely on innovation to achieve high-quality development. This innovation not only includes innovation in research and development, but also exploration and innovation in supply chain, marketing, and management.

Secondly, the linkage between online and offline sales channels is crucial for the expansion of self owned brands in overseas markets. We need to strategically plan for the offline market while laying out our online market layout.

Thirdly, in addition to the display hardware field, we need to lay out various aspects such as software, chips, and semiconductors to further improve the industrial structure and achieve comprehensive development.

Fourthly, by mastering the "traffic" and industry status, integrating resources, and gradually entering multiple fields such as chips, semiconductors, content, and software, we will promote the localization of core components and lead the industry to achieve high-quality development.

Fifthly, we must adhere to the principle of "going global", fully leverage our self driving force, and bring the company's best technology, products, excellent management, and services to the global market. And through close cooperation between R&D personnel, engineers, and marketing personnel, further strengthen its competitive advantage.

In the current economic difficulties, IOT-C (BU) has risen to the challenge and achieved excellent results in overseas battles, demonstrating the passion of Huike people for daring to fight and being the first in the new situation. With lofty aspirations, Huike's globalization strategy will drive Chinese manufacturing towards a new path of high-quality development, allowing global users to enjoy the beautiful life brought by technology.